Welcome to MissionForce: CyberStorm, a strategy game set in the Earthsiege universe. CyberStorm takes strategy gaming to a new level, with a detailed and rich turn-based game that uses superb graphics and gameplay to challenge even the most experienced gamer. NOTE: If you do not have Microsoft's Direct X drivers installed on your system, you will not hear any sounds in this demo. The full release version of CyberStorm will install these needed drivers automatically and you will be able to hear our full sound and music once you install the release version of the game. If you have access to the internet, you can download these drivers from the demo page at HTTP://WWW.SIERRA.COM or from Microsoft directly. To play this demo, you need only select one of the three sample missions from the main menu. You will then be given a simple briefing and be placed directly into battle. There, you will see your force of Hercs (the giant fighting machines you will command in this game) and Bioderms (the pilots who drive those Hercs). Exploration of the terrain will reveal enemies. The particular world in this demonstration has high cliffs. If you have trouble finding a unit, it may be behind a hill. You can rotate the battlefield using the icons at the upper-left of the battle interface. Feel free to view the battlefield at any angle and height you choose. While exploring the demonstration version of CyberStorm, use the right mouse button to click on items you'd like more information on. Though the game manual and help files are unavailable on the demo version, the full right-click help IS available. It will help guide you though the demonstration. Keep in mind: This is a tiny demonstration of a large game. Many forms of special effects, world types, sounds, animations, unit types and background music are not included in this demo. Also, a large portion of the strategy involved in CyberStorm is planning the type of forces you purchase to take into a particular battle. You may find screen snapshots of this aspect of the game at the Sierra website. In the full release version of CyberStorm, there are 30 different Bioderm pilots available, 8 different Hercs, 70 different weapons, over 30 different internal component systems, and 23 different worlds to challenge. With a mission generator as part of the game, no two missions will ever be alike. With almost limitless combinations of weapons and systems, you can play through a campaign of CyberStorm, and then start another to enjoy a completely new experience. Though this demo does not allow you to sample the multiplayer capability of CyberStorm, you can play the release version over a modem between two human players, or with up to eight players on a local-area network. The mission generator puts YOU in control, allowing you to construct any mission type you wish for a multiplayer game... from competitive "smashfests" to cooperative missions where you and your friends are trying to destroy an enemy base. To obtain a full release version of CyberStorm, you can visit your local retailer, or order directly from Sierra Direct at 1-800-757-7707. Look for us on the Internet at HTTP://WWW.SIERRA.COM or on Compuserve (at GO SIERRA) or AOL (at Keyword SIERRA). We hope you enjoy this sample of MissionForce: CyberStorm.